Monday 17 November 2014

Thrifted Attire OOTD

Today I am wearing a thrifted polka dot skirt that I decided to rock as a dress, and a beautiful colorful jewel toned jacket that I also thrifted. My jewelry; bracelets and necklace were thrifted as well and my ankle boots came from Nine West, my guitar belt which is one of my favorites I found many years ago at an urban outfitters in NYC... Oh how I love a thrift store!

Wednesday 5 November 2014

I Love This Shirt/Jacket, Mix It Up and OOTD

So I got this shirt/jacket back in September while I was on This really awesome thrift shop crawl with some of my friends, I found it at the Salvation Army and paid about 50 cents for! and when I tell you I love this thing! I mean I LOVE this thing! I've worn it  many times already, and it has become one of my go to pieces in my wardrobe.The earth tone colors just seem to work with everything! 

That said I had absolutely no problem with mixing and matching my shirt/jacket with my diamond pattern tights.  Don't be afraid to mix it up some time! If you love a clothing item but are worried about putting the un-matching prints together, Don't! 90 percent of the time there is a away to make it work! Google or Youtube for Ideas of how to mix patterns and put your outfit together, and if that fails give me a call!! Mix it match it Rock it!!

OOTD: My beloved earth tone print shirt/Jacket, paired with a green skirt and a taupe color top that used to be a dress, that I cut and used the rest for a headband, all items found at Boutique Salvation Army :) And my awesome print tights that I found at Jazzy Boutique in the Washington Mall. 

Tuesday 21 October 2014

90 Percent of My Wardrobe is Thrifted and OOTD

Yup! Just like what the title reads; 90 percent of my wardrobe is from thrift shops, flea markets, yard sales, and so on. I love to shop this way because not only do you get more bang for your buck! You are going to most definitely come across something amazing, that you have never seen before!
So never give up the hunt! 

My outfit of the day is an awesome thrifted skirt, that has this really cool ruffle down the front, and I am in love with my embroider butterfly vest that I thrifted from the Salvation Army. The Vest is what I would call an odd piece that is really kinda ugly! But as soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it! The more that I looked at it, the more I knew that this ugly/pretty vest will work!
 When you see something that looks kinda ugly but some how you just like it, then get it!

Thursday 9 October 2014

Don't Ever give up! And Outfit of the Day (OOTD)

So I've been in the business of Vintage, Thrift,  Resale for a long time! And while it seems to be trending heavy these days, I've been doing it on and off for almost 20 Years!!
(Omg! Has it really been that long!?!? Lol!! Mercy time really does have wings!!!)
 My first brick and mortar boutique "Let's do it Again Boutique" I opened in 2004 then I closed it, and opened it again in 2008, then I closed it and opened it again in 2010!! I know a lot of open and close right? but lets face it this is life and things happen! During the closed times The business never really stopped because I would sell out of my home, at flea markets, and I would throw cocktail parties to sell my goods. Now I run my new Venture  Factory 44 out of my Home, online and I will soon be hosting pop up shops and cocktail parties again. I am sharing my story because no matter what happens in my life, I will never stop doing what I love!! I will always get back up and try again! I am an entrepreneur!! Always have been and always will be! So to all those that want strike out and give it a go!! I say; Let me be Your inspiration! In the words of Nike "Just do it!"

A collage of my first second and third shop, and my currant situation
Love this kinda of business too much, to ever give it up completely.

Today I am rocking an Awesome pair of paisley/ flower print pants that I thrifted from the  Army thrift shop, and a denim jacket that I up-cycled to a Vest by cutting off the sleeves! The necklace was gifted to me by a friend!! Love this outfit because it's comfy and fly ❤️

Friday 3 October 2014

Don't frown on a Hand-me-down

I am sure that many of us, or not so many of us have received a hand-me-down before.
In case you didn't know; a hand-me-down, is a used item that has been passed down from another Person, usually a relative  or a close friend.
In years past a hand-me-down was considered something that meant  that you were poor, and therefore folks didn't want anyone to know that, what they were wearing was a used item! But thank the heavens that times have changed!! And it is  Now considered a fashion Score, to rock something awesome that you paid absolutely  Nothing for!! (Especially when every where you go, everyone wants to know where you got that from, and where can I get one!) 😊
So the next time someone wants to give you something I say take it! And if it's not of your taste just pass it on.
Don't frown on the hand me down

This necklace that A sister friend gave to me is so awesome!! 
You can literally twist it into what ever shape you want!! 
How's that for a Hand-me-down!

Tuesday 30 September 2014

All about the Hair

It is so awesome to be able to just let yourself go, and have fun with your hair!
Hair for me is a part of my accessories. Whatever I am feeling for the day, that is the hair piece I am wearing! I even go for brights and colors! Now these bright color wigs may not be for everyday or for everybody, but it's always pretty cool to have an adventure with yourself, and to have fun with your look! So ladies the next time you walk past  or drive by your local wig /beauty supply, go in and try a few on, trust me it'll be amazing to see how you look! After all style and Fashion is nothing but Fabulous artsy Fun! 

Me in a few of my different Style wigs

Me in a couple of my bright colors 

Friday 26 September 2014


 Today I am rocking a vintage 1970's Miss Charm of Boston outfit that I thrifted back in the 90's!! I loved it so much that I knew that it was something that I would always Keep! It has flowers all over it for crying out loud!! Lol!!
Be who you are and Love what You wear!

(The big button is in support for A local charity here in Bermuda, called Pals. Which helps out people with Cancer, they help my mom many years ago, I will always support them.)